Successful debut of “ATS Formula 3 Cup INSIDE”

The first “ATS Formula 3 Cup INSIDE” is finished. During the event Yannick Mettler answered the questions from the ATS Formula 3 Cup fans directly on the Facebook page of the racing series. Meeting fans like this was a whole new experience for both the Formula 3 Association and the Swiss. And it was a successful debut indeed. The 23-year old from Lucerne answered the questions, which were in parts extraordinary, for a whole hour. A second “ATS Formula 3 Cup INSIDE” event is planned for July. Facebook fans of the ATS Formula 3 Cup will then get an opportunity to decide on whom they would like to interview.
The first “ATS Formula 3 Cup INSIDE” was supposed to last 30 minutes. In the end it was almost an hour long. Questions came in from all over the world, including India and the USA as well as Germany and Switzerland, Yannick Mettler’s home country. The fans were especially interested in the 23-year old’s plans for the future, the situation right before the start and his goals for the current ATS Formula 3 Cup season. Contesting for the Performance Racing team from Silverstone, UK, Yannick Mettler is currently seventh in the overall standings. The fan of Ayrton Senna and Lewis Hamilton is determined to secure a podium place.
The Fans meet the driver – the driver meets the fans
The driver, who is currently training to become a mechanical engineer, enjoys the close contact with his fans, even though he has never done a question-and-answer game with them on Facebook before. “That makes being part of the first “ATS Formula 3 Cup INSIDE” all the more worthwhile. I am happy about the great interest,” says Mettler. “I had a lot of fun answering the interesting and often creative questions. I would like to thank the fans again. It really was a great experience!” Motorsports enthusiasts can meet Mettler and his team in the paddock which is always open to everybody. The next opportunity will be at the Sachsenring from June 7th to 9th, at the fourth of nine racing events in the 2013 ATS Formula 3 Cup season.
“ATS Formula 3 Cup INSIDE”
“ATS Formula 3 Cup INSIDE” will be repeated in a loose series. The next interview will follow in July, when another one of about 20 drivers contesting the series will answer the questions from fans and motor racing enthusiasts. This time, the fans will decide on the interviewee in a voting, which will take place on Facebook shortly before the event. The interview will probably take place in the early afternoon again, in order to give ATS Formula 3 Cup fans from all over the world a chance to participate. Questions in English can be posted directly on the Facebook page of the ATS Formula 3 Cup at Further details will follow at the end of June.