ATS Formel 3 Cup – Application deadline for Ravenol Media Award

The Ravenol Media Award will be awarded for the second time in the ATS Formula 3 Cup. This year, the creativity of the young talents was the most important factor. The interest in the award, which is endowed with prize money of 5,000 Euros, increased significantly in the second year. The application deadline has passed now. Ravenol, the exclusive lubricants supplier of the ATS Formula 3 Cup, and the Formula 3 Association intend to encourage and challenge the young drivers both on the racetrack as well as in the media sector.
Throughout the season, the Ravenol Media Award was a big topic for the race drivers contesting the 2013 ATS Formula 3 Cup. Many ideas were considered and just as many were discarded again. However, in the end, the applications were high-profile. An international jury was at hand to answer questions regarding the award, including Martin Huning, Ravenol Motorsport Director; Olaf Schilling, chief editor of Auto Bild Motorsport magazine and editor in charge of motorsports coverage in Sport Bild magazine; Wayne Riddell, editor of the first monthly motorsports magazine in South Africa; Peter Lim, professional photographer from Malaysia, and Bettina Eichhammer, responsible for the communication of the Formula 3 Association. “It was quite interesting to see the projects of the drivers develop during the season,” says Bettina Eichhammer. “The submitted applications have an impressive quality standard. We did not expect such a high level, to be honest. However, it shows that they not only work hard on their general qualification for motorsports but on the media sector as well.”
Three finalists for the Ravenol Media Award
Three applicants have reached the final round of the Ravenol Media Award, and the jury will take a close look at their projects within the next few weeks. There was a broad variety of topics, including press and media relations, public relations, events, online communication, social media or film. The creative project could cover one of these areas or be cross-media. The applicants submitted a paper in English by the end of October, including a short summary of their project, an explanation of their approach and what they have learned during the project. Copies of samples complement the package.
Presentation at the Essen Motor Show
Swiss Yannick Mettler won the award last year. “That was just great,” says Mettler. “It motivated me to become more active in media relations. There should be more contests like that.” The winner of the 2013 Ravenol Media Award will be announced at the Essen Motor Show on November 29th. Martin Huning will be there to present the Ravenol Media Award and 5,000 Euros.
The Ravenol Media Award will be awarded again in 2014.