Nelson Panciatici Signs Two Nice Come-Backs


For a first on the circuit of Castellet HTTT, Nelson Panciatici would have liked to make this weekend the one where he stepped up on the podium again in front of all his family, originally from the area. Unfortunately,  circumstances in the race decided otherwise. Despite the fact that Nelson and his KMP Racing team  worked diligently  throughout the meeting in the Var, they were not always rewarded for their efforts.
Nelson’s difficulties started in the first qualifier, as they did for his Russian co-driver Anton Nebylitskiy. Nelson performed the best come-back in the first race moving up from 21st position on the grid to 10th place, synonymous with a symbolic point which cheered up the whole team.
In the second qualifiers, the sun gave way to rain which is infrequent in the region. Nelson, at ease in these conditions, signed a nice 6th place at the end of the session with just one fast lap!
Things were going to take a turn for the worse though.  A flat tyre in the first metres of the race put Nelson on three wheels at the end of the straight, forcing him to cut the chicane to avoid the other cars. He left the stands at the bottom of the ranking and then raced in qualifier mode to reach the the points barrier in 11th place.
Nelson Panciatici: “It was a very positive weekend because we brought ourselves back to a good level and we were able to battle our way forward. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, success just keeps evading us. It gets frustrating for all of us but the team believes in it and remains highly motivated. With Adrien, my engineer, we have done a good job and if we hadn’t had a flat tyre in Race 2 we’d have been in the top 5 without a doubt. In any case, I showed that I wasn’t giving in so easily and I’m counting on Barcelona to be at the front and even better if all goes well!”
Bruno Besson, the Team Manager for the KMP team said: “After a good first session in free practice, we were losing ground for the second and in the first qualifier. Nelson then had a good race and moved up into points. Sunday, Nelson made the 6th best time under the rain, it was going well, he was short by only 12 thousands from the second line on the starting grid. Unfortunately, a flat tyre right at the start of the second race forced him to drive into a nice come-back at 11th place. We must finish with a good result in Barcelona, we have the means to!”
The championship final in the World Series by Renault takes place from the 6 to the 9 October on the F1 circuit in Barcelona. It’s guaranteed that the KMP  Team and their driver,  Nelson Panciatici, will have their hearts set on a great finish to a season in which they had few opportunities to show their real worth!

For more information on Nelson Panciatici, please visit