Team kfzteile24 Mücke Motorsport 2014 continues with Giorgio Maggi in the ADAC Formula Masters

New season, new goals: Berlin Team kfzteile24 Mücke Motorsport and Swissman Giorgio Maggi have ambitious goals for the 2014 season, their second year together in ADAC Formula Masters action. “Giorgio gained invaluable experience in his first year, 2013, in this high carat junior series and has progressed very well. He certainly has what it takes to compete amongst the top ten this coming season and to get within reach of podium places, he proved this extensively at this year’s first tests, which took place on the Sachsenring at the end of February”, so Peter Mücke, manager of the team sponsored by ADAC Berlin-Brandenburg.
The 16 year old who celebrated his birthday end of December, went straight to work towards achieving his goals at the end of last year’s season. “I identified my deficits and hope to have eliminated them with my intense preparations since November”, so Giorgio Maggi who as rookie and youngest driver achieved midfield placements but missed out on point ratings to date. “The tests on the Sachsenring gave evidence of my progress. In that context, I also completed a drifting and handlings course which I enjoyed thoroughly whilst gaining further invaluable experience.“
The ambitious Swissman is proud to be part of the ADAC Formula Masters with the champion team kfzteile24 Mücke Motorsport again. “The intense focus and work with my team expanded my knowledge and understanding of theory and the formula car considerably. For this, I am incredibly grateful, which also goes for the fantastic relationship with everybody in the professionally operating Mücke-racing team, from the team manager and racing engineers through to the mechanics. I took a lot out of the past months work and will try my very best to re-pay all the efforts with excellent results this year. My one big goal is the championship title.”
The most important aspect for Giorgio Maggi is to live the enjoyment and fun in the formula racing sport. “Joy is the energy pushing me forward”, he explains. Even off track, the youngster intends to engage with great performances. He currently attends the Olympic Sports College and has plans to enrol at a talents school afterwards to commence his apprenticeship in business studies. “Apart from Mücke Motorsport, I am very grateful to my sponsors and trainers as well as everybody who has been so supportive on my journey so far and into the future”, states the Swissman.
Giorgio Maggi is the third driver of the German Capitol’s racing team to be confirmed as pilot for the ADAC Formula Masters 2014 season. Other named drivers include previous year’s vice champion Maximilian Günther (Rettenberg), also in his second year for Team kfzteile24 Mücke Motorsport as well as new addition Marvin Dienst (Lampertheim, last year’s overall fifth). Benjamin Mazatis (Bruckmühl) was signed as test driver. The 16 year old Bavarian is due to enter the junior series for the Mücke team in 2015.
This year’s season will commence from 25th to 27th April in teh etropolis Motorsport Arena Oschersleben. The ADAC Formula Masters diary includes eight racing weekends with a total of 24 rated races.
(Enclosed a photograph of Giorgio Maggi: © Alexander Trienitz)