Robin Frijns impressed in his debut

Barcelona, 12th of October 2011 – Official tests FR 3.5 on Circuit de Catalunya, Barcelona, continued today with the day two. Sole I.S.R. Racing car did appearance on the track again, Robin Frijns, FR 2.0 2011 champion, made his debut in the FR 3.5 car. He impressed team boss Igor Salaquarda, despite of neck pain influenced his performance. Nick kept 2nd place for a long time in the afternoon session, but some other drivers went faster at the end.
Morning session 14th place 1:34.228 +1.413
Afternoon session 13th place 1:34.779 +1.053
“Robin will be quick in the future, that’s for sure. He was a bit unlucky today, today, he was sitting in such a fast car for the first time and he perhaps can’t imagine that the forces are so much higher. Moreover, he had a neck pain and if we add high forces, no wonder he had a problem kept his head after few laps. In the morning, where the conditions were good for a quick lap times, Robin had to get familiar with the brand new car. He got a new set of tires at the end of the morning session, but the temperature got higher and Robin lock the wheel under breaking and damaged one tire. It made influence into the afternoon’s session as well. He is quick on used tires and he feels the car right, but on new tires he isn’t able to use full potential of the tires yet, that’s understandable. I can imagine that Robin will race for us next year and I would like to get one of the experienced driver as well. We talk with some winners of this year races. Carlin probably will have a pair of rookies from British F3. We would like to fight for the title with experienced driver.”