The EUROFORMULA School was founded in 1997 and has trained more than 25,000 students to live a dream: drive and master a single-seater on the track, in total safety, with qualified instructors to see them through every course. To offer a more efficient and professional service, the EUROFORMULA School has created two separate departments:
THE DRIVING SCHOOL: exclusively for business and individuals, the school makes it possible for clients to drive to their limits at the wheel of the Renault Formula Tatuus 2000 with 195hp for 450kg.
The TCD (Training and Competition Department): dedicated to competition racing, the aim is to train young drivers, mostly from the karting world, in single-seater driving but also develop their technical skills.
Within this department, EUROFORMULA has created a new module : RALLY COACHING dedicated to rally drivers who want to improve their driving techniques.
More and more great rally champions are looking to the single-seater to perfect their techniques, and several young single-seater drivers have successfully launched into rally driving recently. In response to this, EUROFORMULA has opened its doors to rally drivers in order to give them specific training adapted to the demands of their discipline.
The course is organised in modules of one day, with three to five days instruction to reach an optimal mastery of driving techniques in line with the learning abilities of each. The courses will have a maximum capacity of five students.
The Rally Coaching course specifics: Study wide curves and high speeds, left-foot braking and brake pressure, trajectory study, optimising minimum speeds, study and practise telemetry, technical dialogue… The training is given by highly qualified instructors who also have rally experience.
LATEST NEWS: Rally drivers can take part in the “EUROFORMULA VOLANT” 2012 and win the € 60,000 bursary which they can put toward the championship of their choice.
EUROFORMULA, the last true Single Seater Driving School in France, opens its doors to rally drivers.